November 4, 2021

and Benford's Law

In this post, I show cryptocurrency prices follow Benford's Law using a simple seaborn visualizations

Benford's Law

Work in progress...

November 4, 2021

Data Collection

Overview of the cryptocurrency market and the importance of this type of research. I also discuss the process of collecting and manipulating cryptocurrency data.

December 9, 2021

Fixed Effects Model

In this post I discuss the results of a fixed effects model using a balanced panel data set. In this post, I also showcase a transformable line graph that I built using Tableau.

December 1, 2021

Granger Causality

What can a Granger causality test tell us about the relatonship between Google search, stock price and Bitcoin price data.

December 9, 2021


Using current cryptocurrency data, I show that digtial currency prices follow Benford's Law.