Zachary Zeller

This website is designed to showcase tools and skills I have developed through data analysis projects.

November 22, 2021

Fixed Effects Model

Using a balanced panel data set and a fixed effects model to discuss possible causal relationship between Google Trends data, stock market prices, the 2020 election and cryptocurrency price changes.

November 4, 2021

Data Collection

Overview of the cryptocurrency market and the importance of this type of research. I also discuss the process of collecting and manipulating cryptocurrency data.

November 22, 2021

Fixed Effects Model

In this post I discuss the results of a fixed effects model using a balanced panel data set. In this post, I also showcase a transformable line graph that I built using Tableau.

December 1, 2021

Granger Causality

What can a Granger causality test tell us about the relatonship between Google search, stock price and Bitcoin price data.

December 9, 2021


Using current cryptocurrency data, I show that digtial currency prices follow Benford's Law.